Let me take a break!
2011年12月25日 星期日
2011年12月14日 星期三
香港聖誕之雪花幻境 Snowy Wonderland in HK
2011年12月13日 星期二
瘋耶誕 Crazy X'mas in Hong Kong
2011年12月9日 星期五
雪中小黑人 A Black Elf in White Snow
Now it is getting cold. This reminds me the first time I saw snow in America.
We were so excited. We put on our snow boots to take adventure nearby.
Thus, there came a black elf in white snow.
(2005 NJ)
哇!!! 樹好高喔! Amazing! What a big tree!
It can not stop me even walking knee deep in snow.
長途跋涉終於走到信箱。沒有信。No letter.
歡迎來到冰雪世界!Welcome to the snow world!
Finally, the black elf left a mark on the snow.
Do you see a white angel there?
2011年12月7日 星期三
2011年12月5日 星期一
蘋果事件 Grand Opening of IFC Apple Store
2011年, 9月24日, 這天香港蘋果旗艦店開張。
Apple's flagship store in Hong Kong just opened in the IFC mall on Septemper 24, 2011.
風雨前的寧靜 A peaceful moment before the grand opening.
蓄勢 People started to wait in line in the morning on the day before the grand opening of Apple store.
人龍 People lined up.
萬頭鑽動 Crowds flocked to Apple store.
Different groups of people: people who were waiting in line, security of Apple store, and people who witnessed this event.
雪中鹿 Deer in the Snow
(2005 NJ)
One day, I noticed a deer came close to my window.
I picked up my camera and took a picture through the window.
I did not expect I would have a good picture.
However, it turns out to be one of my favorite pictures.
The only thing I did was click the shutter button.
2011年12月3日 星期六
2011年12月1日 星期四
點心 Dim Sum
Do you like dim sum?
Hong Kong people are so proud of their dim sum.
However, dim sum is not vegetarian friendly in Hong Kong.
Anyway, let me tell you a pun story about dim sum which is related with Chan Buddhism.
To understand this story, first you have to know that in Chinese "dim" (點) also means "to place an order" and "sum" (心) indicates the mind.
In Tang Dynasty, a Chan master, Ven. De-shan, dedicated himself to study the Diamond Sutra all his life. One day, he went to visit another Chan master. On his way, he stopped by a dim sum store to take a rest. The owner of this store who was an old woman learned that Ven. De-shan was an expert on the Diamond Sutra. Then, she asked him: "As you know, this is said in the Diamond Sutra that the mind in the past, in the present, and in the future is unable to be grasped. Hence, Venerable, which mind would you like to palace your order?" Hearing this question, Ven. De-shan was stunned and speechless.
How will you place your order?
Hong Kong people are so proud of their dim sum.
However, dim sum is not vegetarian friendly in Hong Kong.
Anyway, let me tell you a pun story about dim sum which is related with Chan Buddhism.
To understand this story, first you have to know that in Chinese "dim" (點) also means "to place an order" and "sum" (心) indicates the mind.
In Tang Dynasty, a Chan master, Ven. De-shan, dedicated himself to study the Diamond Sutra all his life. One day, he went to visit another Chan master. On his way, he stopped by a dim sum store to take a rest. The owner of this store who was an old woman learned that Ven. De-shan was an expert on the Diamond Sutra. Then, she asked him: "As you know, this is said in the Diamond Sutra that the mind in the past, in the present, and in the future is unable to be grasped. Hence, Venerable, which mind would you like to palace your order?" Hearing this question, Ven. De-shan was stunned and speechless.
How will you place your order?
2011年11月30日 星期三
花心 Bleeding Heart Flower
(2006 NJ)
Send a bouquet of bleeding heart flowers
to a playboy.
Remind him gilrs' hearts are bleeding.
Note: To describe a playboy,
Chinese people usually say he is flower-hearted.
- 在美國第一次看到這花,美得不像話,太像一顆心了,結果她就叫做 "淌血之心" (Bleeding heart flower),花語是忠貞。
- 有了爛漫的名字,當然背後有浪漫的故事(其實有不同版本)。故事就是不出王子和公主,王子為了贏得芳心,先送公主兩隻粉紅兔子,公主不屑一顧;再送她一對耳環,還是不屑一顧。王子只好出狠招了,拿出匕首刺進心臟,就開成淌血之心了。
- 加強版故事,王子驚人之舉嚇壞了公主,她才了解她其實是愛王子的,可是為時已晚。悔恨之餘,公主化身為心型花朵,回報王子的愛,也提醒人們不要辜負身邊人的愛。
- 謎題:為什麼故事說王子又送兔子、又送耳環呢?請注意花的形狀,並發揮想像力吧!
2011年11月29日 星期二
2011年11月28日 星期一
青黃不接 Green & Yellow
(2003 NJ)
There is a Chinese idiom: a gap between green and yellow,
which describes the gap between generations or any gap in succession.
I did not get it until I saw this scene.
2011年11月25日 星期五
需要衛生紙嗎? Need a piece of tissue paper?
哈啾! 喔,你感冒了。需要衛生紙嗎?
(2010 Newport Rhode Island)
Aaaa Choo!
Oh! You catch a cold.
Do you need a piece of tissue paper?
Wait for a moment.
Make me sneeze first, then you will get it.
2011年11月24日 星期四
國際樞紐 International Hub
(2011 Causeway Bay HK)
From Causeway Bay in Hong Kong, the next station will be......
Italy, Milan, France, Paris......
You name it.
2011年11月23日 星期三
火雞逃難 Seeking Refuge on Thanksgiving
2011年11月21日 星期一
莊嚴 Magnifincent
(2010 Chung Yen Monastery NY)
How giant the temple is,
Compared with this little flower.
If you kneel down,
And look up,
You will see how magnificent the flower is.
2011年11月20日 星期日
校園練習曲 Campus Life
(2004 Princeton University)
"I forget what I was taught. I only remember what I have learnt."
--Patrick White
"That which can be taught directly to another is relatively trivial,
whereas things of significance can only be learnt."
--Carl Rogers
2011年11月19日 星期六
印度奶茶 Indian Chai
薑給茶提了個味,至今仍愛 Indian Masala Chai.
(2004 印度)
Look how concentrated he is while making a pot of Indian chai.
2011年11月18日 星期五
浮華 Vanity Fair
Those flowers are pretending to be colorful
because people are not satisfied with pure white.
because people are not satisfied with pure white.